Capernaum Community health
A Chance to heal
Free community health care clinics for those who need it most

The Capernaum Mission
(Formerly known as Capernaum Health Clinic)
Capernaum Community Health Clinic offers compassionate health and dental care to anyone in the South Lyon area who does not have adequate health care coverage to meet their needs. We seek to serve those people who, for whatever reason, currently find themselves uninsured or unable to access medical care.

Upcoming Clinics

March 16, 2023
Mammograms will be available on Thursday, March 16 at the First Presbyterian Church of South Lyon. Pre Registration is required by March 1 to Jennifer (248) 486-7435.

April 26, 2023
Wednesday, April 26 at Fellowship Evangelical Church. We will have medical, vision and hearing appointments available. If interested, please contact (947) 229-0903.

More To Be Announced
Please watch this page and social media to learn more about upcoming clinics.
Ways To Help
Capernaum Commiunity Health Clinic is a staple in our area and we cannot do it without the help of the generous souls and local churches who have stepped in along the way. If you are interested in helping your neighbors gain access to quality health care, please consider volunteering or donating today!

Scan our QR code to donate today!