Capernaum Community health
Clinic Information
Community Health Matters
All of our clinics are free to those who may find themselves uninsured. Please reach out to us at (248) 225-4581 with any questions.

Upcoming Clinics

March 16, 2023
Mammograms will be available on Thursday, March 16 at the First Presbyterian Church of South Lyon. Pre Registration is required by March 1 to Jennifer (248) 486-7435.

April 26, 2023
Wednesday, April 26 at Fellowship Evangelical Church. We will have medical, vision and hearing appointments available. If interested, please contact (947) 229-0903.

More To Be Announced
Please watch this page and social media to learn more about upcoming clinics.

Clinics That Care
We strive to demonstrate the love of Jesus in South Lyon, MI by providing caring and compassionate medical and dental services for the people of our community who otherwise may not have access to it.
Our clinic is for anyone in the South Lyon area who does not have adequate health care coverage to meet their needs. We seek to serve those people who, for whatever reason, currently find themselves uninsured or unable to access medical care.
To this end, we offer several week-long clinics each year. Our services are free for those in need. For appointments or more information, please call (248) 225-4581.
Clinic Information

Medical Clinics
Medical Care Clinics are desigend to help our community with basic medical needs such as check ups, blood pressure, and general wellness.

Dental Clinics
Dental clinics give patients the opportunity to have cleanings, consultations, and some procedures.

Professional Care
During our clinics, you will have access to medical professionals, receive information regarding your visits, gain access to assistance and recommendations, and have consultations with doctors in many specialized fields.

Each year, we offer special mammogram and women’s health clinics to better serve our community with care and prevention.

More than Care
The care in our clinics doesn’t stop when you walk out the door. We can give you the resources and connections you need to make sure any conditions and illnesses are addressed in the way you deserve.

No judgement
We are here to help you no matter your condition, age, ethnicity, gender, or status. We believe that everyone deserves a chance at a healthy life.