Capernaum Community health
Ways To Help

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We can’t do this without you
Our organization survives with help from financial donors and volunteers who dedicate themselves to our mission. Learn more about how you can play an integral part of our community support below.

Donating is the easiest way to help those in our community who need it most. Donations help us with supplies, outreach, and everything we need to positively impact our surrounding community.
The button below will take you to our Paypal donation website. Here, you can donate with credit/debit cards and Paypal accounts. Receipts will be emailed to you immediately after your donation is made.
Volunteers are essential to the work of Capernaum, and we are always looking for new people to join us. During each clinic, volunteers help us welcome patients, assist with check-in/check-out procedures and answer questions. We also have volunteers join us each day as a part of the Prayer Team who offer support and prayer to patients who would like it.
Behind the scenes volunteers are also valued in our work. From kitchen help to hanging fliers around town, we are always looking for helping hands.
If you would like more information about volunteering with Capernaum, please call (947) 229-0903 or email capernaumhealthclinic@gmail. com.

Mailing Address:
Capernaum Health Clinic
PO Box 314
South Lyon, Michigan 48178

Please note our new phone number:
(947) 229-0903